Platelet Rich Plasma…….

aka, the natural filler facial

Why We Love It

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is known as a “natural filler” treatment that gives a more youthful appearance to the skin. Using your own blood plasma, your cells help the body regenerate at a fast rate. Overall helping to improve skin texture, decreasing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth and eyes, and plumps hollowing areas such as tear trough grooves, cheeks, and temples.

What Is PRP?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) uses a combination of blood plasma with Microneedling, to penetrate and stimulate natural collagen production. There are virtually no risks of allergies as PRP is derived from your own blood. Blood plasma containing high concentrations of platelets that stimulate cells to help the body regenerate at a faster rate. PRP can also help smooth acne, surgical scars and produce collagen with minimal downtime.

What are the Benefits of PRP?

  • Pumps hollowing areas

  • Boosts collagen production

  • Improves skin texture / scarring

  • Rejuvenates skin pigmentation

  • Improves fine lines and wrinkles

What Results Can I Expect?

Patients may have some soreness and tenderness at the area of the injections for a few days. Almost as if you have a very mild sunburn. This soreness and some swelling can last three to seven days, and then movement and comfort at the joint gradually increases over two weeks. During the next two to six weeks, your body continues to heal itself while the cells renew and repair. You don’t have to do anything special following PRP treatment, and expect glowing skin.  

What Is The Treatment Like?

The full procedure takes approximately 45 minutes to an hour. A fraction of blood is drawn up from the individual patient into a syringe. The blood and plasma is then separated and injected followed by Microneedling. As the collagen matures it begins to shrink causing the tightening and strengthening of the damaged area. When treating injured or sun and time damaged tissue, they can induce a remodeling of the tissue to a healthier and younger state. Generally 2-3 treatments are advised, however, more may be necessary for some individuals. Touch up treatments may be done once a year after the initial group of treatments to boost and maintain the results.

Is There Any Downtime?

There are minimal restrictions after your PRP injections, allowing you to return to your daily activities almost immediately. It is normal to experience: bruising, redness, itching, soreness, and swelling that may last from 3-10 days following your procedure. In the following weeks you will begin to see noticeably more smooth, rejuvenated and plump skin.


We offer in-person and virtual consultations

PRP Frequently Asked Questions

  • PRP is a treatment using a person’s own blood to be injected back into their skin. Platelets are vital in the process of tissue healing, and the growth of new cells. PRP will promote new collagen production, regenerating the skin tissue, and essentially re-energizeing your cells into rejuvenating themselves.

  • There maybe some very mild discomfort while the PRP is being re-injected. The sensation only lasts a few minutes after the plasma is injected. We apply topical numbing cream to ease any discomfort during the treatment.

  • The number of treatments will vary from patient. Typically, results can be seen after just one treatment, but the exact amount of treatments needed varies from patient to patient. Generally, 2‐3 treatments are advised, but more may be indicated for some individuals.

  • Patients will begin to notice initial tightening and change in about a week or two after PRP. The results continue to build for up to 6 months after treatment as the cells are regenerating themselves.

  • PRP involves collecting a fraction of blood from the patient into a syringe. The collected blood is then spun down in a special centrifuge to separate its components. The platelet rich plasma is then reinjected, or micro-needled back into the skin.

  • There are very few contraindications with PRP injections. We will collect a full medical history from the patient, and go over everything to ensure that they are a good candidate for PRP.

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